HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics


HSE MIEM Students Demonstrate their Developments at Nauka 0+ Science Festival

Dance with a robot, become immersed in virtual reality, mount a weather station, learn about smart home technologies and just have a good time. At Nauka 0+ Science Festival, HSE showed that scientific development can be not only useful, but also accessible to everyone.

Yury Budkov Presented Poster Report in Oxford

On August 31 – September 2, 2016, a conference on ‘The Future of Chemical Physics’, organized by the Journal of Chemical Physics, was held in Oxford, England.

HSE Students Invited to Take Part in Subregional International Programming Contest

On Sunday, October 16, 2016, the Moscow Subregional Contest of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC) will take place at HSE. The Faculty of Computer Science will serve as a contest hosts for the second year in a row. To take part in the quarter finals, a team of three students must be formed and registered before October 9 (23:59:59).

Actual Problems of Electron Devices Engineering

On September 22-23, 2016 Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov hosted the 12-th International Scientific-Technical Conference "Actual Problems of Electron Devices Engineering" (APEDE’2016).

HSE Announces Student Research Competition

Students from universities in Russia and abroad have until October 31st to submit their applications for HSE’s open competition for research conducted in business informatics, computer science, mathematics, media communications, and political science.

Language of Generations Project Wins 2016 KIvO Award

On September 12, the winner of the 2016 Innovation in Education (KIvO) award was announced at the EdCrunch International Conference on New Educational Technologies. Taking home the prize this year was The Language of Generations, a social project that pairs up senior citizens from Russia with foreign students who are learning Russian.

We find creative work for robots

Sergei Borhsenius, is the head of the IT department at Robots City B.V., a company that develops robots and organises robot shows.In 2012, Sergei graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (HSE MIEM) with a degree in applied math. During his time at the university, he also worked as an engineering researcher in the Research Laboratory of Space Research, Technologies, Systems, and Processes. He was also a programmer at LLC Inec-As. In 2012, Borhsenius became the head of the analytics department at Studinformo Polit Pro before entering into his current position at Robots City B.V.

Applied Physics Students Now Able to Work in Lab Created by Nobel Laureate

Students of HSE MIEM who are interested in conducting research in high-temperature superconductivity will now be able to carry out experiments using modern equipment in a new laboratory at the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI RAS).

Conference on Digital Information Processing Held at MIEM

Conference on Digital Information Processing Held at MIEM
On July 6-8 the third international conference ‘Digital Information Processing, Data Mining and Wireless Communications’ was held at HSE MIEM. The event was dedicated to issues related to smart data processing and was supported by the Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), InfoWatch, and the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

Russian and Chinese Students: Cooperation Opportunities

Russian and Chinese Students: Cooperation Opportunities
On July 9-12 the international student summer school was held at the Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu. Konstantin Arutyunov, Professor at the School of Electronic Engineering, guest speaker, presented a report on the fundamental limitations on and prospects for electronics development.