HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics


Conference on Digital Information Processing Held at MIEM

Conference on Digital Information Processing Held at MIEM
On July 6-8 the third international conference ‘Digital Information Processing, Data Mining and Wireless Communications’ was held at HSE MIEM. The event was dedicated to issues related to smart data processing and was supported by the Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), InfoWatch, and the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

Russian and Chinese Students: Cooperation Opportunities

Russian and Chinese Students: Cooperation Opportunities
On July 9-12 the international student summer school was held at the Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu. Konstantin Arutyunov, Professor at the School of Electronic Engineering, guest speaker, presented a report on the fundamental limitations on and prospects for electronics development. 

MIEM at 5th Moscow Architecture Biennale

The MIEM Centre for Fractal Art presented a ‘Fractal architecture’ project by Nadezhda Trubochkina, and she was awarded the diploma of the Moscow Architecture Biennale for presenting new opportunities for using fractal mathematics and IT technologies for architects and interior designers.

Hot Topic Discussed at HSE in Early Summer: Hot Plasma Physics

Dr. Marian Paduch, department head at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion (IPPLM), Warsaw, Poland, director of the UNESCO International Centre of Dense Magnetised Plasmas, and a leading expert in hot plasma and its diagnostics, visited MIEM.

The partnership with National Instruments now rises to a new strategic level

On May 24, 2016 a meeting of the rector of HSE Ya.I. Kuzminov and the management of National Instruments (USA) resulted in a memorandum of cooperation. The global objective is the creation of "National Center for Engineering and Commercialization of Research and Development" on the basis of Higher School of Economics.

School of Electronic Engineering Professor Spoke in Greece on Quantum Technology

From April 1 – 2, 2016 a delegation from the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, headed by Deputy Minister Liudmila Ogorodova, visited Athens.

14th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference

On April 4th, 2016, the 14th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference took place in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Vladimir Saenko, Professor at MIEM School of Electronic Engineering, presented a report on ‘External and Internal Spacecraft Charging Effects and Mitigation Techniques. Russia’s Approach’.

Health Day to Be Held at HSE

On April 7th, 2016, the Higher School of Economics will host a campaign timed to coincide with World Health Day. The event has been organized by HSE in cooperation with the Moscow Department of Healthcare.

School of Electronic Engineering Professor Awarded IEEE REV'2016 Certificate for Best Experiment

From February 24 – 26, 2016, the IEEE REV'2016 International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation took place in Madrid, Spain.

Article ‘Data Systems to Support Early Warning of Space-borne Emergency Situations’ Published in ‘ROOM: the Space Journal’

The article ‘Data Systems to Support Early Warning of Space-borne Emergency Situations’ by the staff members of HSE MIEM Research Laboratory of Space Research, Technologies, Systems, and Processes was published in the magazine ‘ROOM: the Space Journal’.