HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics


Frontiers of Low Temperature Physics

On August 17th-21st, 2017 the International Conference ‘ULT 2017: Frontiers of Low Temperature Physics’ was held at Heidelberg University. Maxim Kagan, Professor at HSE School of Electronic Engineering took part in the event.

HSE Continues to Rise in THE World University Rankings

In the latest Times Higher Education university rankings, the Higher School of Economics rose to the 351-400 category among 1,102 schools worldwide. This is an improvement on last year, when HSE was in the 401-500 group, with the university ranking fourth among the 27 Russian universities that made it to the ranking.

HSE Will Confer its Own Degrees

A number of research organizations and universities, including HSE, will be able to establish their own academic degrees, under a decree signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Summer School on Profession of Future – Data Analysis

From July 24th to 28th, 2017, a summer school on ‘Automatic text processing and data analysis’ took place at HSE MIEM. Thirty undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students from HSE, MIPT, MSU, Bauman State University, St. Petersburg State University, and other universities from Helsinki, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, and Yaroslavl spent their days studying machine learning and data analysis and solving problems in teams.

First-year Student of MIEM Spoke at 19th IEEE CBI ’17

From July 24th to 27th, 2017, the 19th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Conference on Business Informatics took place in Thessaloniki, Greece. Over 100 experts took part in the event, and among the speakers was Pavel Abramov, first-year student of the HSE MIEM programme in Information and Computer Science.

HSE Researchers Use Neural Networks for Odour Recognition

HSE Researchers Use Neural Networks for Odour Recognition
Researchers from the HSE Laboratory of Space Research, Technologies, Systems and Processes have applied fast-learning artificial intelligence to odour recognition andpatented a handy electronic-nose device capable of recognising the olfactory patterns of a wide range of chemicals. In addition to discriminating between different gas mixtures, the electronic nose will be able to capture and memorise new smells. According to HSE scientists, the product of their research is likely to benefit both security services and members of the public.

HSE’s Best Teacher Results Announced

The Best Teachers 2017 competition at HSE recently reached its completion. Although the overall procedure this year was the same as it was in 2016, the financial terms changed – the bonuses for the winners have been increased. Vadim Radaev, First Vice Rector of HSE, told us about the vote and some of the perks for all of the winners.

HSE Among Top Five Universities with Highest Paid Graduates

HSE Among Top Five Universities with Highest Paid Graduates
The Higher School of Economics was ranked fifth among Russian universities with the highest paid graduates during their first year of employment, according to data from an employment monitoring study by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. On average, graduates who completed a full-time undergraduate programme at HSE make 51,700 rubles per month, which is up from previous years and nearly double the average for the country as a whole.

Evgenii Krouk Appointed Acting Director and Academic Supervisor at MIEM HSE

Evgenii Krouk, Acting Director and Academic Supervisor of HSE MIEM
Professor Krouk is a renowned scholar from St. Petersburg, an expert in information systems and technologies, cryptography, and data transfer. Until recently, he was Vice Rector for Research and Director at an institute at the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.

HSE Enters Top-250 in THE Best Universities in Europe for 2017

On June 21, 2017, Times Higher Education (THE) published its ranking of the best universities in Europe 2017, in which HSE, along with St. Petersburg State University, Novosibirsk State University, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and Kazan Federal University, is ranked in the 201-250 group.