HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics


MIEM HSE Training Specialists in Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems

MIEM HSE Training Specialists in Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems
The world is on the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution- production will be entirely digital. With cheap wireless communication, the Internet of Things is rapidly developing - a set of physical objects which interact as part of a global network. It will soon amount to tens of billions. From 2018, the MIEM HSE Master's programme, ‘Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems’ will train specialists capable of developing and managing such systems.

Leading Universities and the Right to Award Academic Degrees

Last year, the Russian Federation gave leading universities the right to award their own academic degrees on a trial basis, and this prompted universities to create models for future implementation. What the new system will bring and what needs to be done in order to render it fully operational was the focus of the board meeting of the Association of Global Universities, held on February 12 at HSE.

HSE Students and Alumna Awarded S&T Grants

On February 8, the winners of the UMNIK competition were announced. The programme, run by the Small S&T Enterprises Assistance Fund, promotes young researchers’ innovation projects. Two HSE students and one HSE alumna will receive grants of 500,000 rubles to carry out research and further develop their S&T projects.

International Students Invited to Apply to HSE’s Doctoral Schools

Admissions to tuition-free doctoral studies at HSE open on February 01, 2018. International students can choose from 15 PhD programmes in fields ranging from Mathematics to Art and Design. The programmes are offered at HSE campuses in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and Nizhny Novgorod. It is not necessary to speak Russian in order to pursue a PhD at HSE – the thesis can be written in English. Several international students are already pursuing doctoral degrees at HSE and one of them, Keunwon Choi from South Korea, has shared his impressions with us.

New Dissertation Councils Introduced at HSE

New Dissertation Councils Introduced at HSE
From February 1, 2018, new rules will apply to dissertation defense for Candidate of Sciences (PhD) and Doctor of Sciences (DS) degrees. Vadim Radaev, First Vice Rector at HSE, helped us understand what has changed, as well as how it is necessary to prepare for the defense process.

HSE Faculties Named Most Popular among Employers in 2017

HSE Faculties Named Most Popular among Employers in 2017
According to research by Future Today, HSE’s Faculty of Economic Sciences is the most in-demand among employers. A further three HSE faculties were named in the top 10.

‘The Digital Revolution is the Key Trend in Education’

‘The Digital Revolution is the Key Trend in Education’
As part of the Gaidar Forum organized by RANEPA, an open discussion took place on the key trends in education. HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov spoke about what Russian education will look like in 5-7 years, how artificial intelligence will change the school, and what reforms are necessary right now.

Admission for Doctoral Studies Kicks Off

Admission for Doctoral Studies Kicks Off
Applications are now being accepted for HSE doctoral programmes. The 2018 procedure is similar to that used by many international universities: exams can be sat online and in English, and HSE can now confer its own academic degrees. Sergey Roshchin, HSE Vice Rector, told the HSE News Service about how the procedure has changed.

International Advisory Committee Meets at HSE: 'The University Is Quick to Respond to Recommendations'

International Advisory Committee Meets at HSE: 'The University Is Quick to Respond to Recommendations'
Each year, the HSE International Advisory Committee (IAC) meets in Moscow under the leadership of Nobel laureate Eric Maskin. Committee members focus on reorganising the post-graduate school, updating educational and staffing policies, and a number of other important issues.

HSE Enters THE Subject Rankings in Physical Sciences for First Time

For the first time ever, the Higher School of Economics has entered the Times Higher Education ranking in the physical sciences, placing in the 401-500 group. The results of the ranking were announced at a Project 5-100 conference seminar by Phil Baty, chief editor of the THE World University Rankings.