HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics


HSE University Participates in Satellite Navigation Monitoring Project

HSE University Participates in Satellite Navigation Monitoring Project
A team of HSE students is taking part in the development of a Russian satellite automatic identification system (AIS) to monitor sea navigation. The aim of the project is to track the locations of vessels and adjust their routes, including in the Arctic along the Northern Sea Route.

New International Laboratory to Study Lighting Flashes and Volcanic Lightning

New International Laboratory to Study Lighting Flashes and Volcanic Lightning
HSE University has launched a new International Laboratory for the Study and Assessment of Dangerous Geophysical Phenomena. Alexander Kostinskiy, Head of the Laboratory and Deputy Director of HSE MIEM, explains the laboratory’s future work, its important research and practical applications, and the role of international cooperation in the new laboratory.

Researchers Propose Method to Increase Charge of Supercapacitors

Researchers Propose Method to Increase Charge of Supercapacitors
Researchers from HSE MIEM and the Institute of Non-Classical Chemistry in Leipzig have proposed a new theoretical model of supercapacitors that takes into account the properties of a cation, which considerably impacts the electric differential capacitance of supercapacitors. This is the first publication of its kind in electrochemistry. The authors believe that the model will allow engineers to create more powerful energy sources in the future. The results of the study were published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. The study was completed with support from a grant by RSF.

HSE University to Establish Four New International Labs

HSE University to Establish Four New International Labs
Two international laboratories will be created at the HSE University Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, one at the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Technology, and one at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology. The four projects were selected from a total of 17 applications.

In-person Classes Return after Winter Break

In-person Classes Return after Winter Break
Classes to be held on campus in Module 3

HSE University Take Part in Developing and Signing AI Code of Ethics in Russia

HSE University Take Part in Developing and Signing AI Code of Ethics in Russia
HSE University Rector Nikita Anisimov, along with the heads of many other leading Russian universities and tech companies signed the National Code of Ethics in the field of Artificial Intelligence. HSE University experts took part in the development of this document. The presentation of the code and the signing ceremony took place at the first International Forum on "Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: the Beginning of Trust".

Second Module: What's Changing at HSE University

Second Module: What's Changing at HSE University
How studies will be arranged from October 25 to December 30.

MIEM Student Wins Gold in DigitalSkills 2021

MIEM Student Wins Gold in DigitalSkills 2021
DigitalSkills 2021, the 3rd WorldSkills Industry Championship in the field of information technologies, took place in the Republic of Tatarstan at the end of September. Alexey Shadrunov, a student of HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM), won a gold medal in ‘Corporate Protection Against Internal Threats to Information Security’.

Scholarships to be Awarded to Student Research Paper Competition - 2021 Winners

Scholarships to be Awarded to Student Research Paper Competition - 2021 Winners
On September 29, the HSE Academic Council approved the Regulation on Scholarships for the Winners of the HSE University Student Research Paper Competition - 2021. The competition winners will now receive scholarships of 20,000 roubles per month.

‘Recognition of Our Work Motivates Us to Continue Our Research’

Brno University of Technology
A report by students of MIEM has won a prestigious prize at the 44th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing organized by Brno University of Technology in the Czech Republic. The project by the HSE students was named the best student work by the organizing committee.