HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics


HSE Maintains Its Position in Two THE Subject Rankings

HSE Maintains Its Position in Two THE Subject Rankings
HSE University has once again placed in two subject rankings of the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings: Computer Science (in the top 400) and Engineering and Technology (in the 601-800 range).

MIEM HSE Researchers Present Newly Identified Features of Classical MC Algorithms at Workshop in Lausanne

A team of researchers of HSE University’s Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (Professor Lev Shchur, Assistant Professor Evgeny Burovsky, and doctoral student Maria Guskova), in collaboration with Prof. Wolfhard Janke (Leipzig University, Germany), has made a new discovery about the properties of classical Monte Carlo (MC) algorithms. The team identified an interesting connection between the properties of the algorithm used and the properties of statistical systems that are modeled using the algorithm. As it turns out, the acceptance rate in local Metropolis and heat-bath algorithms appear to be a linear function of internal energy of the used model. Moreover, the researchers were able to prove analytically that, for a one-dimensional (1D) Ising model, the acceptance rate of the Metropolis algorithm is a linear function of internal energy. This proved true not only for the thermodynamic limit, but for an arbitrary size of the system under study as well. A computational experiment demonstrated that, for all analyzed spin models with different types of interaction in any space dimensions, the linearity is performed around the phase transition point.

HSE Spotlights Present and Future Scientific Developments at Geek Picnic 2019

HSE Spotlights Present and Future Scientific Developments at Geek Picnic 2019
This July, St. Petersburg and Moscow hosted Geek Picnic, the popular science festival for lovers of science and cutting-edge technology. This year HSE University became an official partner of the event. Festival guests got to see the recent projects of HSE professors, students, and graduates as well as attend lectures by leading HSE experts.

HSE Researchers Receive Grants in Russian Science Foundation Competitions

HSE Researchers Receive Grants in Russian Science Foundation Competitions
The Russian Science Foundation announced the results of its 2019 competitions for support from the Presidential Research Project Programme. One competition was for grants in support of research initiatives by early career researchers, and another was in support of research conducted by research groups headed by early career scholars.

MIEM Delegation Visits Brazil

MIEM Delegation Visits Brazil
On March 31 - April 5, the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) in Recife, Brazil, organized a BRIC-UFPE Scientific Workshop to discuss the recent scientific trends and projects, to strengthen cooperation between four BRIC countries, and promote collaboration.

Workshop "Supercomputer technologies and atomistic modeling"

Workshop "Supercomputer technologies and atomistic modeling"
The regular workshop organized by the International Laboratory for Supercomputer Atomistic Modelling and Multi-scale Analysis presented reports on the modern development of supercomputer technologies, on the HSE supercomputer, and on the results of solving various real problems using atomic modeling.

Application for HSE Minors is Open

Application for HSE Minors is Open
First-year students can select a minor in their personal accounts beginning at 18.00, March 26. HSE is offering a variety of interesting minors this year, so that students can choose the right minor for themselves.

LG Electronics to Equip HSE Computer Classroom with LG UltraWide 34WK500 Universal Monitors

LG Electronics and the Higher School of Economics have announced the launch of a special collaborative educational project. A new computer classroom will provide students of engineering, industrial design, and computer programming the opportunity to study the most modern tools and methods of design using equipment designed for rapidly developing disciplines and the higher technological demands of their results. With a 21:9 aspect ratio, these monitors are currently the most conducive to solving such complex tasks at work and in school.

Vortex Patterns in Intertype Superconductivity Regime in Thin and Nanowire Superconductors

Vortex Patterns in Intertype Superconductivity Regime in Thin and Nanowire Superconductors
On January 22, a joint seminar of the School of Electronic Engineering and the Quantum Nanoelectronics Laboratory was held at MIEM HSE. MIEM postdoc Wilmer Yesid Cordoba Camacho gave a talk Vortex Patterns in Intertype Superconductivity Regime in Thin and Nanowire Superconductors.

How International Students Can Receive Scholarships at HSE

How International Students Can Receive Scholarships at HSE
HSE offers several scholarships that allow international students to cover part of their tuition fees in both undergraduate and graduate programmes. Scholarships are offered as a tuition discount for international students and take effect at the time of their enrolment in HSE. The scholarships are granted for the full period of studies.