Visit of Professor Arkady Shanenko (Brazil)
From May 14 until May 25 Prof. Dr. Arkady Shanenko from the Federal University of Pernambuco (Recife city, Brazil) was visiting the School of Electronic Engineering at MIEM HSE. The coordinator of the visit was the Associate Professor of the School of Electronic Engineering Dr. A. S. Vasenko.
Prof. Shanenko gave a talk at the scientific seminar of the Academic Board of the Department of Electronic Engineering in MIEM titled “Vortex Matter in Superconductors: General Introduction and Recent Progress”. In the casual life the vortex means a whirling mass of fluid or air. Similar configurations can appear in the superconducting condensate of electrons. In this case one speaks about the vortex matter of superconductors. The formation of vortices has a significant impact on the magnetic properties of superconductors and thus on their technological applications. A brief historical overview of the discovery of superconductivity and related vortex matter was presented during the seminar, with a particular focus on the classification of superconductors with respect to their magnetic response. Prof. Shanenko explained that in addition to the conventional superconductivity types I and II, there are superconductors whose properties cannot be classified as belonging to these conventional types. In the phase diagram of the superconductivity types, such superconductors are in the domain between types I and II and, so, can be broadly referred to as the intertype superconductors. In the seminar, Prof. Shanenko demonstrated recent results on the intertype vortex matter and discussed prospect of observing the intertype regime in low-dimensional superconductors.
Prof. Shanenko also presented six-lecture course for students of the master program “Materials. Devices. Nanotechnologies” titled “Elementary introduction to quantum statistics and thermodynamics of ideal quantum gases”. The course was focused on the microscopic derivation of the Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics with the subsequent consideration of such important physical phenomena as the Fermi motion and Bose-Einstein condensation.
Arkady Shanenko completed his doctorate in theoretical and mathematical physics in 1993 at Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia. Since 1993 till 2003 he was working at Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics as a researcher and then as a senior researcher. In 2003, Arkady Shanenko moved to University of Antwerp, Belgium, where he was a senior researcher in the Condensed Matter Theory Group. Since 2013 Prof. Shanenko works at the Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil.