HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics

Research & Expertise

Dr. Shiro Kawabata was visiting MIEM, HSE

Recently the senior researcher at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan) Dr. Shiro Kawabata was visiting MIEM, HSE. The visit took place from 18 September to 5 October.

Yury Budkov Presented Poster Report in Oxford

On August 31 – September 2, 2016, a conference on ‘The Future of Chemical Physics’, organized by the Journal of Chemical Physics, was held in Oxford, England.

Actual Problems of Electron Devices Engineering

On September 22-23, 2016 Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov hosted the 12-th International Scientific-Technical Conference "Actual Problems of Electron Devices Engineering" (APEDE’2016).

Conference on Digital Information Processing Held at MIEM

Conference on Digital Information Processing Held at MIEM
On July 6-8 the third international conference ‘Digital Information Processing, Data Mining and Wireless Communications’ was held at HSE MIEM. The event was dedicated to issues related to smart data processing and was supported by the Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), InfoWatch, and the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

Hot Topic Discussed at HSE in Early Summer: Hot Plasma Physics

Dr. Marian Paduch, department head at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion (IPPLM), Warsaw, Poland, director of the UNESCO International Centre of Dense Magnetised Plasmas, and a leading expert in hot plasma and its diagnostics, visited MIEM.

School of Electronic Engineering Professor Spoke in Greece on Quantum Technology

From April 1 – 2, 2016 a delegation from the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, headed by Deputy Minister Liudmila Ogorodova, visited Athens.

14th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference

On April 4th, 2016, the 14th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference took place in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Vladimir Saenko, Professor at MIEM School of Electronic Engineering, presented a report on ‘External and Internal Spacecraft Charging Effects and Mitigation Techniques. Russia’s Approach’.

School of Electronic Engineering Professor Awarded IEEE REV'2016 Certificate for Best Experiment

From February 24 – 26, 2016, the IEEE REV'2016 International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation took place in Madrid, Spain.

Article ‘Data Systems to Support Early Warning of Space-borne Emergency Situations’ Published in ‘ROOM: the Space Journal’

The article ‘Data Systems to Support Early Warning of Space-borne Emergency Situations’ by the staff members of HSE MIEM Research Laboratory of Space Research, Technologies, Systems, and Processes was published in the magazine ‘ROOM: the Space Journal’.

Graduate of HSE Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics Invents Way of Charging Devices in Buses and Metro

Graduate of HSE Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics Invents Way of Charging Devices in Buses and Metro
The Public Charger project developed by HSE MIEM graduate Alexei Rolich has been selected as one of the winners in the Start programme developed by the Foundation for the Support of Small Businesses in Science and Technology. The programme focuses on researchers who want to turn their ideas into a sustainable business. Rolich will receive a 2 million rouble grant for the first stage of development of his project.