JSC Glonass and the HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM HSE) have signed an agreement to work together in the field of satellite navigation technology in order to create services that foster the socioeconomic development of Russia and its regions.
Research & Expertise
Lecture on Atomistic Mechanism of the Constitutive Activation of PDGFRA Via Its Transmembrane Domain
On Tuesday, May 15, seminar "Supercomputer and Multiscale Modelling of Condensed Phase and Biological Systems" was held. A. Polyansky from IBCh RAS gave a talk "Atomistic mechanism of the constitutive activation of PDGFRA via its transmembrane domain". The result of this study was the molecular model of PDGFRa receptor activation, and the role of its oncogenic mutant form have been revealed. On the second part of the seminar students of SAMMA Laboratory reported on their projects.
The American Physical Society (APS) has recognised HSE MIEM Professor Lev Shchur for his innovative use of computer simulations and the development of superior random number generators for their use in statistical physics. Professor Shchur is the only academic working in Russia to be selected as APS Fellow in 2017.
Elena Orlova, a fourth year student in Applied Mathematics at MIEM, took part in a summer school at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland). As part of the GeantV Software Developer Team, she relied on machine learning to model the transition of elementary particles through matter.
On August 17th-21st, 2017 the International Conference ‘ULT 2017: Frontiers of Low Temperature Physics’ was held at Heidelberg University. Maxim Kagan, Professor at HSE School of Electronic Engineering took part in the event.
A number of research organizations and universities, including HSE, will be able to establish their own academic degrees, under a decree signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.
Researchers from the HSE Laboratory of Space Research, Technologies, Systems and Processes have applied fast-learning artificial intelligence to odour recognition andpatented a handy electronic-nose device capable of recognising the olfactory patterns of a wide range of chemicals. In addition to discriminating between different gas mixtures, the electronic nose will be able to capture and memorise new smells. According to HSE scientists, the product of their research is likely to benefit both security services and members of the public.