HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics


International youth conference Physica.SPb / 2016

On 1 – 3 November an international youth conference Physica.SPb / 2016, organized by the Physics and Technology Institute A.F. Joffe, was held in St. Petersburg. There were about 200 young scientists with poster presentations at the conference.

Parallels to Take Part in Teaching HSE Students

HSE and Parallels have agreed to cooperate on IT educational programmes. Parallels will start working with students from the HSE’s Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, and a further agreement on cooperation is to be signed with the university’s Computer Sciences Faculty.

HSE Students Take 3 rd Place in the Microsoft Hackathon

HSE Students Take 3 rd Place in the Microsoft Hackathon
The Microsoft Hackschool for students was held in Moscow on October 14-15. Microsoft experts and Microsoft partner students helped identify the best projects during the event that could change students’ lives.

HSE Students Invited to Take Part in Subregional International Programming Contest

On Sunday, October 16, 2016, the Moscow Subregional Contest of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC) will take place at HSE. The Faculty of Computer Science will serve as a contest hosts for the second year in a row. To take part in the quarter finals, a team of three students must be formed and registered before October 9 (23:59:59).

Language of Generations Project Wins 2016 KIvO Award

On September 12, the winner of the 2016 Innovation in Education (KIvO) award was announced at the EdCrunch International Conference on New Educational Technologies. Taking home the prize this year was The Language of Generations, a social project that pairs up senior citizens from Russia with foreign students who are learning Russian.

Applied Physics Students Now Able to Work in Lab Created by Nobel Laureate

Students of HSE MIEM who are interested in conducting research in high-temperature superconductivity will now be able to carry out experiments using modern equipment in a new laboratory at the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI RAS).

Russian and Chinese Students: Cooperation Opportunities

Russian and Chinese Students: Cooperation Opportunities
On July 9-12 the international student summer school was held at the Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu. Konstantin Arutyunov, Professor at the School of Electronic Engineering, guest speaker, presented a report on the fundamental limitations on and prospects for electronics development. 

Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics Opens Microsatellite Control Center

HSE’s Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics has opened a university Microsatellite Flight Control Center. Its main goal is to offer students practical experience with small space devices that work in near-earth orbits. It was created jointly with the company Sputniks.

HSE to Open New Mission Control Centre

The Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM) has signed an agreement with Sputnix, a company that produces components for high-tech satellites. The agreement envisions, among other things, the creation of a mission control centre for small scientific and educational microsatellites. The centre will be part of MIEM.

MIEM Students Initiate a Teaching Project Laboratory

MIEM Students Initiate a Teaching Project Laboratory
A group of 5th year MIEM students have suggested to the institute’s management to create a project teaching laboratory on robotics and mechatronics. Each student has already made samples of instruments which could be polished and launched into production. The management have given the idea their support.