HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics

Tag "conferences & seminars"

First-year Student of MIEM Spoke at 19th IEEE CBI ’17

From July 24th to 27th, 2017, the 19th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Conference on Business Informatics took place in Thessaloniki, Greece. Over 100 experts took part in the event, and among the speakers was Pavel Abramov, first-year student of the HSE MIEM programme in Information and Computer Science.

Second International Conference on Computer Simulation in Physics and beyond

On October 9-12, 2017 HSE holds the Second International Conference on Computer Simulation in Physics and beyond. Lev Shchur, the conference organizer, Professor at HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM HSE), spoke about the event and its programme.

Modern Trends in the Development of Vacuum Electronics

Staff members of HSE research group ‘Electrodynamics of slow wave structures’ took part in the 18th International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC 2017, held on April 24th-26th, 2017 in London.

Dr. Shiro Kawabata was visiting MIEM, HSE

Recently the senior researcher at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan) Dr. Shiro Kawabata was visiting MIEM, HSE. The visit took place from 18 September to 5 October.

14th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference

On April 4th, 2016, the 14th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference took place in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Vladimir Saenko, Professor at MIEM School of Electronic Engineering, presented a report on ‘External and Internal Spacecraft Charging Effects and Mitigation Techniques. Russia’s Approach’.
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