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Book chapter
Gear Wheels based Simulation of Crawlers for Mobile Robot Servosila Engineer

Gabdrahmanov R., Tsoy T., Bai Y. et al.

In bk.: 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2022). SciTePress, 2024. Ch. n/a. P. 565-572.

Working paper
Combined Routing Protocol (CRP) for ad hoc networks: Combining strengths of location-based and AODV-based schemes

Sergeev A., Minchenkov V., Солдатов А. В. et al.

arxiv.org. Computer Science. Cornell University, 2025. No. 2501.13671.


Stereoscopic Film on Pre-revolutionary Russia to Be Shown in Moscow

Stereoscopic Film on Pre-revolutionary Russia to Be Shown in Moscow
The HSE MIEM 3D Visualization and Computer Graphics Laboratory worked alongside the Sergei Chelnokov Foundation to create a slide film based on the stereoscopic photographs of Russian photographers working at the turn of the 20th century. A viewing of the film will take place on October 18th as part of the exhibition From the Belle Époque to Revolution – the History of Russia through sterophotography 1880–1917 in 3D.

HSE Will Confer its Own Degrees

A number of research organizations and universities, including HSE, will be able to establish their own academic degrees, under a decree signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

HSE Researchers Use Neural Networks for Odour Recognition

HSE Researchers Use Neural Networks for Odour Recognition
Researchers from the HSE Laboratory of Space Research, Technologies, Systems and Processes have applied fast-learning artificial intelligence to odour recognition andpatented a handy electronic-nose device capable of recognising the olfactory patterns of a wide range of chemicals. In addition to discriminating between different gas mixtures, the electronic nose will be able to capture and memorise new smells. According to HSE scientists, the product of their research is likely to benefit both security services and members of the public.

HSE’s Best Teacher Results Announced

The Best Teachers 2017 competition at HSE recently reached its completion. Although the overall procedure this year was the same as it was in 2016, the financial terms changed – the bonuses for the winners have been increased. Vadim Radaev, First Vice Rector of HSE, told us about the vote and some of the perks for all of the winners.

Evgenii Krouk Appointed Acting Director and Academic Supervisor at MIEM HSE

Evgenii Krouk, Acting Director and Academic Supervisor of HSE MIEM
Professor Krouk is a renowned scholar from St. Petersburg, an expert in information systems and technologies, cryptography, and data transfer. Until recently, he was Vice Rector for Research and Director at an institute at the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.

Modern Trends in the Development of Vacuum Electronics

Staff members of HSE research group ‘Electrodynamics of slow wave structures’ took part in the 18th International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC 2017, held on April 24th-26th, 2017 in London.

Admissions for HSE Doctoral Programmes Now Open

New regulations simplifying admissions to HSE’s doctoral programmes have been approved. The procedure includes two application waves that consider personal achievements, and offers more opportunities for those who speak foreign languages. Vice Rector Sergey Roshchin told us more about the changes.

Quantum Size Phenomena in Single-crystalline Bismuth Nanostructures

We congratulate Prof. Konstantin Arutyunov and 2nd-year Master's student Egor Sedov at the School Electronic Engineering on publishing the article 'Quantum Size Phenomena in Single-crystalline Bismuth Nanostructures' in one of the most prestigious international journals Nature: Quantum Materials.

New Master’s Programme in Quantum Information Technologies Opening at HSE MIEM

Konstantin Arutyunov, Professor at the School of Electronic Engineering of HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, discusses what the new programme offers its students and why the future lies with quantum technologies.

HSE’s Projects for the City

HSE’s Projects for the City
Staff from the Design Laboratory (the design wing of the HSE School of Design) teamed up with design students to carry out an extensive study on the territorial branding of Moscow’s various districts. In addition, undergraduate and graduate students of HSE MIEM developed ‘smart systems’ for monitoring urban space and managing energy consumption and lighting systems. The projects were presented to Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin during his most recent visit to the Higher School of Economics.