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Regular version of the site
Real-time, on-site, machine learning identification methodology of intrinsic human cancers based on infra-red spectral analysis - Clinical results

Krouk E., Cohen Y., Zilberman A. et al.

Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. 2024. Vol. 18. No. 2. P. 72-77.

Book chapter
New code-based paradigm

Krouk E., Kabatiansky G. A.

In bk.: 2024 IEEE International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences (SIBIRCON). Novosibirsk: IEEE, 2024. P. 85-88.

Working paper
Intensity correlations in decoy-state BB84 quantum key distribution systems
In press

Trefilov D., Sixto X., Zapatero V. et al.

quant-ph. arXiv. Cornell University, 2024. No. 00709.


Applicants for the Master’s programme ‘Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems’ to Receive Grants from Rightech

MIEM HSE and Rightech have signed an agreement outlining the company’s involvement in HSE’s new master’s programme ‘Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems’. Rightech will allocate grants to the five top applicants to go towards their studies.

MIEM HSE Training Specialists in Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems

MIEM HSE Training Specialists in Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems
The world is on the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution- production will be entirely digital. With cheap wireless communication, the Internet of Things is rapidly developing - a set of physical objects which interact as part of a global network. It will soon amount to tens of billions. From 2018, the MIEM HSE Master's programme, ‘Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems’ will train specialists capable of developing and managing such systems.

HSE Students and Alumna Awarded S&T Grants

On February 8, the winners of the UMNIK competition were announced. The programme, run by the Small S&T Enterprises Assistance Fund, promotes young researchers’ innovation projects. Two HSE students and one HSE alumna will receive grants of 500,000 rubles to carry out research and further develop their S&T projects.

International Students Invited to Apply to HSE’s Doctoral Schools

Admissions to tuition-free doctoral studies at HSE open on February 01, 2018. International students can choose from 15 PhD programmes in fields ranging from Mathematics to Art and Design. The programmes are offered at HSE campuses in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and Nizhny Novgorod. It is not necessary to speak Russian in order to pursue a PhD at HSE – the thesis can be written in English. Several international students are already pursuing doctoral degrees at HSE and one of them, Keunwon Choi from South Korea, has shared his impressions with us.

New Dissertation Councils Introduced at HSE

New Dissertation Councils Introduced at HSE
From February 1, 2018, new rules will apply to dissertation defense for Candidate of Sciences (PhD) and Doctor of Sciences (DS) degrees. Vadim Radaev, First Vice Rector at HSE, helped us understand what has changed, as well as how it is necessary to prepare for the defense process.

Admission for Doctoral Studies Kicks Off

Admission for Doctoral Studies Kicks Off
Applications are now being accepted for HSE doctoral programmes. The 2018 procedure is similar to that used by many international universities: exams can be sat online and in English, and HSE can now confer its own academic degrees. Sergey Roshchin, HSE Vice Rector, told the HSE News Service about how the procedure has changed.

Basics and technology of Superconducting quantum annealing machine

From the 1st until the 10th of November the senior researcher at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan) Dr. Shiro Kawabata was visiting MIEM, HSE. The coordinator of the visit was the Associate Professor of the Electronic Engineering Department Dr. A. S. Vasenko.

Golden HSE 2017: New Way to Choose Winners

Golden HSE 2017: New Way to Choose Winners
On October 23, the first round of the annual Golden HSE competition got underway. This prize will be awarded in December for the seventeenth time. See what’s new on the ‘anti-versary’ award, and nominate your candidates.

Stereoscopic Film on Pre-revolutionary Russia to Be Shown in Moscow

Stereoscopic Film on Pre-revolutionary Russia to Be Shown in Moscow
The HSE MIEM 3D Visualization and Computer Graphics Laboratory worked alongside the Sergei Chelnokov Foundation to create a slide film based on the stereoscopic photographs of Russian photographers working at the turn of the 20th century. A viewing of the film will take place on October 18th as part of the exhibition From the Belle Époque to Revolution – the History of Russia through sterophotography 1880–1917 in 3D.

HSE Will Confer its Own Degrees

A number of research organizations and universities, including HSE, will be able to establish their own academic degrees, under a decree signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.