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Laboratory of Computer-aided Design Systems

Impact of Memory Hierarchy on Memory Encryption Performance

Prutyanov V., Ромашихин М. Ю., Vugenfirer Y. et al.

IEEE Access. 2024.

Book chapter
Evaluation of Cooperative Perception Algorithms in Simulation Environments with Realistic Communication Models

Stepanyants V., Doroshev I., Khoroshilov G.

In bk.: 2024 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon). IEEE, 2024. P. 943-947.

The Laboratory of Computer-aided Design Systems was created in 2015 and is a structural unit of the School of Computer Engineering. The laboratory is involved in conducting laboratory work in a wide range of undergraduate and graduate disciplines to provide students with practical skills in working with CAD systems and effectively assimilate knowledge in the field of computer-aided design of technical systems.

Main directions of research:

  • development, debugging and verification of operating prototypes of digital systems and systems on a chip based on FPGAs;
  • development of hardware implementations of neural networks (NeuroBIS) on FPGA;
  • development of video and audio data processing systems, navigation systems, encryption and digital signature systems, as well as multicore systems based on hardware and soft processor cores (for example, MIPSfpga, RISC-V, NIOS II, etc.);
  • development of prototypes and models, as well as programming of various robotic systems.

The 2020 Wilson Research Group Functional Verification Study

Illustration for news: HSE University Moves All Lectures to Online Format

HSE University Moves All Lectures to Online Format

Starting October 26, 2020, lectures at all HSE University campuses will be held online. At the same time, the University’s buildings remain open to students and staff. Seminars will mostly remain offline. However, it is possible that some will also be transferred online.

Illustration for news: HSE’s Best Teachers of 2020 Announced

HSE’s Best Teachers of 2020 Announced

The final list represents the choices of HSE students, graduates, as well as the results of the Student Research Paper Competition.

Research Seminar 'New Trends in Artificial Intelligence Chip Design in Silicon Valley'

On October 22, 2018, an open research seminar 'New Trends in Artificial Intelligence Chip Design in Silicon Valley' was held at the Laboratory of Automated Design Systems. Yuri Panchul, Senior Engineer with Wave Computing (Campbell, California) was the guest speaker.