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Laboratory of Space Vehicles and Systems' Functional Safety

Theoretical analysis of the charge carrier transport in thin layers of disordered materials with exponential band tail states

Nikerov D. V., Nikitenko V. R., Andrey P. Tyutnev.

Computational Materials Science. 2023. Vol. 230.

Book chapter
Field Stability Investigation of Electrical Conductivity of a Dielectric Filled with a Conductive Compound

Agapov I.

In bk.: Proceedings of 2022 IEEE Moscow Workshop on Electronic and Networking Technologies (MWENT). M.: IEEE, 2022. P. 1-3.



28 March 2024

HSE University Satellites: Three Years in Orbit

In March 2024, HSE University celebrated an important milestone — the third anniversary of the successful operation in orbit of its first CubeSX-HSE and CubeSX-Sirius-HSE satellites. These spacecraft, created on the basis of the CubeSat platform for Earth observation, continue to function actively, confirming high technological standards and reliability of the university's developments.

29 January 2024

‘We Control the Flight of Small Spacecraft’: How HSE University Launches Satellites

Following the meeting with participants of the 3rd Young Scientists Congress, Russian President Vladimir Putin assigned the government to include the creation and launch of small spacecraft in a new national project. Universities will also be involved in the project. Dmitrii Abrameshin, Head of the Mission Control Centre at the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics at HSE University, spoke about the mechanism of small satellites and which satellites have already been launched by HSE University.

29 June 2023

HSE University’s Third Satellite Launched from Vostochny Cosmodrome

The small CubeSX-HSE-3 spacecraft was created by students and staff of the HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics. It is based on the OrbiCraft-Pro 3U platform by Sputnix. The work was carried out as part of the Space-π project with support from the Innovation Support Fund.

Laboratory Structure

  • Study of Materials for Space Application
  • Computer modelling
  • Electromagnetic compatibility
  • Experiments

What we do

  • Research and experiments in developing design and technology for space exploration, introducing the results to work in the Federal Space Exploration Agency, Roskosmos   
  • Teaching and supervision for PhD and graduate students
  • Introducing the results of our research and innovative work into teaching programmes at MIEM, HSE
  • Developing the Master’s programme on computer modelling  at MIEM

Work in the Laboratory

  • Development and research of non-conducting materials on the internal surface of spacecraft, to reduce the levels of static-charges.
  • Development of new efficient methods to make structural electro-physical models of the space vehicles using mathematical and computer modelling.
  • Development of new methods to assess the reliability of electronic component bases of in-flight radio-electronic equipment on space vehicles. 
  • Development of methods and means of effective electromagnetic protection for electronic devices from powerful ultra-short electromagnetic impulses and microwaves.
  • Experimenting with spacecraft and their in-flight electronic equipment on interference protection from electrostatic discharges.