Laboratory Structure
- Study of Materials for Space Application
- Computer modelling
- Electromagnetic compatibility
- Experiments
What we do
- Research and experiments in developing design and technology for space exploration, introducing the results to work in the Federal Space Exploration Agency, Roskosmos
- Teaching and supervision for PhD and graduate students
- Introducing the results of our research and innovative work into teaching programmes at MIEM, HSE
- Developing the Master’s programme on computer modelling at MIEM
Work in the Laboratory
- Development and research of non-conducting materials on the internal surface of spacecraft, to reduce the levels of static-charges.
- Development of new efficient methods to make structural electro-physical models of the space vehicles using mathematical and computer modelling.
- Development of new methods to assess the reliability of electronic component bases of in-flight radio-electronic equipment on space vehicles.
- Development of methods and means of effective electromagnetic protection for electronic devices from powerful ultra-short electromagnetic impulses and microwaves.
- Experimenting with spacecraft and their in-flight electronic equipment on interference protection from electrostatic discharges.