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Scientific Research and Development Projects

Below is a list of the projects in which we have been participating as commissioned by various Russian Space Research agencies.


Commissioned by the Federal Scientific Research Centre for Measuring Systems

Developing an experimental centre for conducting the scientific and technological RD.. Creating a testing centre for research and experimentation with electronic systems to secure resistance to powerful ultra-short electromagnetic pulses («Impulse-07»). Develop computational and experimental research and testing methods to evaluate the resistance of the electronic components to powerful ultra-short pulses of electromagnetic interference.

1. To develop a method to evaluate how to shield space satellite «Kaz-Sat-2» from static electricity by TLM parameters, received using the Zond-ZM acoustic levels and Zaryad M charge levels measuring devices.

2. To develop the component of the test construction work on «calculating crosstalk from charges of static electricity and transmission analysis programmes when changing the place of the charge on space satellite „Express MD1“ or tracking the harness»

3. The component of the test construction work on «calculating crosstalk from charges of static electricity and transmission analysis programmes when changing the place of the charge on space satellite „Kaz-Sat-2“ or tracking the harness»

4. To calculate crosstalk on onboard cable network 1-stage space vehicle «KSLV-1» from static electrical charges

Commissioned by the Lavochkin (Federal Scientific Industrial) Association

We worked on developing analytic experiments to supply computer software for modelling the effects of electrostatic discharges on the onboard cable network of the space-born radio telescope «Spektr-R».


Commissionned by TsNIIMASH (Central Scientific Research Institute for Mechanical Engineering)

Compilation and analysis of the experimental and theoretical data on the electrical discharge (ED) degradation of insulating materials and coatings used or intended for use in space technology, a comparative assessment of the role of other degradation factors and methodical approaches to study the electro-physical, physical and chemical characteristics and possible degradation mechanisms. Ways and means to reduce the degradation of the conventional and radioactive materials and coatings for space application ( Research project name «Elektrokosm-MEIIT» part of R & D «Magistral»)

Commissioned by Khrunichev Space Center

1. Participation in the design and development work on the topic: Defining immunity onboard avionics with cable network block DM KVTK from static electricity to release EP (drive) materials.

2. Qualification of the onboard equipment for the «Express MD-1» satellite immune to electromagnetic interference caused by ESR (electron spin resonance). Fabrication of the testing equipment (part of the development work)


Commissioned by TsNIIMash

To analyze experimental data on the radiation induced conductivity of conventional and advanced polymers intended for the «Elektrokosm-MEIIT.» spacesraft


Commissioned by NIIFI (Penza)

Testing absolute pressure measuring system (ISAD) C-078 for resistance to electrostatic discharges (ESD)

Commissioned by TsNIIMash

Experimental and theoretical studies of possibility of replacing PCB dielectrics by low-conducting nano-materials to create on-board equipment insensitive to charging events


Commissioned by NIIFI (Penza)

Testing CCC B SAZ for resistance to electrostatic discharges (ESD)

Commissioned by Khrunichev Space Center

Testing samples of materials used on the outer surface of (block DM) RB KVTK to study their response to charging events in simulated space conditions.


Commissioned by Khrunichev Space Center

Research project «DVINA-KVTK» Test of the onboard cable network cable samples to determine and reduce interference from electrostatic discharges, which could arise in the stages of connecting the cable network to the spacecraft and testing the spacecraft and the flight block DM. Developing measures to increase the spacecraft’s resistance to discharges from the onboard cable network.


Customer Limited Liability Company «Satellite Innovative Space Systems»

Research of the technological process and control algorithms for a small spacecraft (SSC). Semi-realistic modeling of possible scenarios for SSC missions


Innovation Promotion Fund

Logistical support of the site for control of small spacecraft in low Earth orbits as part of the implementation of the Planet Duty Officer program



  • Additional education, organization and support project and research activities of schoolchildren project «Engineering class in the Moscow school».
  • «Development of a design solution for creating a prototype compact combined receiver for MCA type cubesat 3U for automatic aircraft identification».

Department education and Sciences of Moscow

  • Additional education, organization and support project and research activities of schoolchildren project «Engineering class in the Moscow school».
  • Additional education, organization and support project and research activities of schoolchildren project «IT class in the Moscow school».


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