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Development of regular vertical pn junction on nanocrystalline PbTe film

Jarashneli A., Towe E., Auslender M. et al.

Journal of Applied Physics. 2025. Vol. 137. No. 10. P. 2-11.

Book chapter
Experimental Studies of Laboratory Samples of Fiber-Optic Sensors within Reinforced Concrete Building Construction. Part 2: The Experiment

Stukach O.

In bk.: 2024 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines (Dynamics). International scientific and technical conference Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia 12-14 Nov. 2024. NY: IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity, 2024. Ch. 1. P. 1-8.

Working paper
Combined Routing Protocol (CRP) for ad hoc networks: Combining strengths of location-based and AODV-based schemes

Sergeev A., Minchenkov V., Солдатов А. В. et al.

arxiv.org. Computer Science. Cornell University, 2025. No. 2501.13671.

Tag "international cooperation" – News

HSE, University of Delhi, and Geoscan Launch Space Research Project

HSE, University of Delhi, and Geoscan Launch Space Research Project
HSE University and the University of Delhi (India), in partnership with Geoscan (a portfolio company of the Innopraktika non-state development institute), have agreed to establish an international scientific mirror laboratory on data storage, processing, and transmission in space systems. The agreement was signed on January 15, 2025, during a visit to India by an HSE University delegation led by Rector Nikita Anisimov.

Applications for Competition of Innovations in Education Are Open

Applications for Competition of Innovations in Education Are Open
The HSE Institute of Education is the main organizer of the international Competition of Innovations in Education. In addition to the Russian track, the competition is also being held in Kazakhstan, as well as in Armenia and Georgia. Applications are open online until October 21st, 2022. The overall winner will receive an educational grant, while the category winners will receive prizes from our partner organisations.

HSE Researchers Develop New Method for Analysing Genetic Admixture of Populations

HSE Researchers Develop New Method for Analysing Genetic Admixture of Populations
Researchers of the HSE International Laboratory of Statistical and Computational Genomics together with their international colleagues have proposed a new statistical method for analysing population admixture that makes it possible to determine the time and number of migration waves more accurately. The history of Colombians and Mexicans (descendants of Native Americans, Spaniards and Africans) features two episodes of admixture that occurred about 350 and 200 years ago for Mexicans and 400 and 100 years ago for Colombians. The results were published in the Plos Genetics journal.

‘International Students Who Aren’t in Russia for the Start of the Academic Year Can Study Remotely’

‘International Students Who Aren’t in Russia for the Start of the Academic Year Can Study Remotely’
The new reality presents a number of issues for international students—particularly those joining HSE University in 2022. What changes will there be in the university’s education system? What will happen if a student is unable to come to Moscow by September 1? What is the university doing to help international students adapt? Vice Rector Ivan Prostakov spoke to the HSE News Service to answer these questions and more.

Faculty of Computer Science and MIEM Entrepreneurs Present Student Projects in Kazakhstan

Meeting with representatives of Astana Innovations
In June, a delegation from the FCS and HSE MIEM visited Nur-Sultan, the capital of Kazakhstan, to present student start-ups to the IT community. The trip was organised as part of a programme to develop entrepreneurship among undergraduate and doctoral students of the HSE University Faculty of Computer Science.

Chemists Suggest Using Polymeric Ionic Liquids in Supercapacitors

Chemists Suggest Using Polymeric Ionic Liquids in Supercapacitors
A team of researchers from HSE MIEM joined colleagues from the Institute of Non-Classical Chemistry in Leipzig to develop a theoretical model of a polymeric ionic liquid on a charged conductive electrode. They used approaches from polymer physics and theoretical electrochemistry to demonstrate the difference in the behaviour of electrical differential capacitance of polymeric and ordinary ionic liquids for the first time. The results of the study were published in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.

Researchers Propose Method to Increase Charge of Supercapacitors

Researchers Propose Method to Increase Charge of Supercapacitors
Researchers from HSE MIEM and the Institute of Non-Classical Chemistry in Leipzig have proposed a new theoretical model of supercapacitors that takes into account the properties of a cation, which considerably impacts the electric differential capacitance of supercapacitors. This is the first publication of its kind in electrochemistry. The authors believe that the model will allow engineers to create more powerful energy sources in the future. The results of the study were published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. The study was completed with support from a grant by RSF.

HSE University to Establish Four New International Labs

HSE University to Establish Four New International Labs
Two international laboratories will be created at the HSE University Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, one at the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Technology, and one at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology. The four projects were selected from a total of 17 applications.

HSE and Peking University Strengthen Scientific and Educational Ties in Mathematics

HSE and Peking University Strengthen Scientific and Educational Ties in Mathematics
HSE University has signed a student exchange agreement with Peking University, one of China’s biggest and oldest universities. The signing took place on November 26 as part of the closing ceremony of the China-Russia Year of Scientific and Technological Innovation.

HSE University among Founders of Super C-Tau Factory

HSE University among Founders of Super C-Tau Factory
Ten universities and institutes have announced a partnership to construct an electron-positron collider in order to study the production and properties of charmed particles and tau leptons. The new experiment will be part of the Super C-Tau Factory project. It was founded by two international teams and eight from Russia, including HSE University.