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Tag "university rankings" – News

Effective Development Strategy Helps HSE Climb in THE World University Ranking

Effective Development Strategy Helps HSE Climb in THE World University Ranking
HSE has once again climbed the THE World University Ranking and entered the 301 – 350 range, taking 3rd place in Russia after MSU (199) and MIPT (251-300). HSE first appeared in this ranking two years ago and every subsequent year the university has consistently improved its standing.

HSE Enters ARWU Ranking for the First Time

The Higher School of Economics has entered the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) for the first time. The ranking is known for its strict selection criteria. This year, 12 Russian universities, including 10 participants of Project 5-100, entered the ranking. Until 2016, only 2 representatives of Russia were included- MSU and St. Petersburg State University.

HSE Moves up 10 Positions in QS EECA Ranking

HSE Moves up 10 Positions in QS EECA Ranking
On its 25th anniversary, the Higher School of Economics (HSE) took 25th place in the QS EECA (Emerging Europe & Central Asia) Ranking, thus improving its result by 10 positions as compared with last year. This ranking includes 300 positions and takes into account higher education institutions in transitional European and Central Asian countries.