Участие в конференциях
NIP 25 and Digital Fabrication. Luisville, (KY), USA, Sept. 20-25, 2009.
L. Schein, A. Tyutnev, D. Weiss. Progress towards understanding the charge transport hopping mechanism in molecularly doped polymers.- 9th Int. Frumkin Symp.. Moscow, Russia, Oct. 25-29, 2010.
A.P. Tyutnev, R.Sh. Ikhsanov, V.S. Saenko, E.D. Pozhidaev. Dispersive transport in molecularly doped polymers: theory and experiment. - NIP 27 and Digital Fabrication. Minneapolis (Minn.), USA, Oct. 2-6, 2011.
L.B. Schein, D.S. Weiss, D.H. Dunlap, A.P. Tyutnev, P.E. Parris.Two-layer multiple trapping model for charge transport hopping mechanism in molecularly doped polymers. - 12th Int. Conf.: Electronic and Related Properties of Organic Systems. Vilnius, Lithuania, July 11-13, 2011.
A.P. Tyutnev, R.Sh. Ikhsanov, V.S. Saenko, E.D. Pozhidaev. On the true meaning of the flat plateaus on the time-of-flight curves in molecularly doped polymers. - Int. Conf. TIDS-14: Transport in interacting disordered systems. Acre, Israel, Sept. 5-8, 2011.
R.Sh. Ikhsanov, A.P. Tyutnev, V.S. Saenko, E.D. Pozhidaev. Effects of charged centers on the time-of-flight curves in molecularly doped polymers. - Int. Conf. on Simulation of Organic Electronics and Photovoltaics. Oliva (Valencia), Spain, June 10-14, 2012.
R.Sh. Ikhsanov, A.R. Tameev, A.P. Tyutnev, S.V. Novikov, A.V. Vannikov, N.A. Korolev. Multiple trapping model as a tool for simulation of the charge carrier transport in organic electronic devices - International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO)/Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies (LAT). Moscow, Russia, June 18-22, 2013
V.R. Nikitenko, N.A. Korolev, A.P. Tyutnev. Monte-Carlo study of geminate recombination kinetics in polymers with traps. - 5th International Conference on Adaptive Science and Technology ICAST 2013, CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria, 25-27 November 2013
- V.M. Chetverikov, V.S. Saenko, A.P. Tyutnev Relative permittivity of the dielectric composite with small doping of conductive nanoparticles.
Saenko V.S., Tyutnev A.P., Novikov L.S. Radiation induced conductivity of polycarbonate doped with different concentrations of aromatic hydrazone DEH. The 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2 – 10 August 2014, Moscow, Russia
- Andrey Tyutnev, Vladimir Saenko, Evgenii Pozhidaev, Renat Ikhsanov Experimental and theoretical studies of radiation-induced conductivity in spacecraft polymers Spacecraft Charging and Technology Conference, 23-27 June 2014, Pasadena, California
- Vladimir Saenko, Andrey Tyutnev, Evgenii Nikolskii, Anton Bakutov Protection of the "Spectr-R" Spacecraft against Effects of the on-board ESD using “Satellite-MIEM” computer code. Spacecraft Charging and Technology Conference, 23-27 June 2014, Pasadena, California
- Vladimir Saenko, External and Internal Spacecraft Charging Effects and Mitigation Techniques. Russia’s Approach, 14th Spacecraft Charging Tecnology Conference, 04-08 April 2016, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
- Vladimir Saenko, Andrey Tyutnev, Andrey Abrameshin, Gleb Belik, Computer Simulations and Experimental Verification of the Nanoconductivity Concept for the Spacecraft Electronics, 14th Spacecraft Charging Tecnology Conference, 04-08 April 2016, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
- Andrey Tyutnev, Vladimir Saenko, Evgenii Pozhidaev, Frequency Factor of the Semiempirical Model for the Radiation-Induced Conductivity in Spacecraft Polymers, 14th Spacecraft Charging Tecnology Conference, 04-08 April 2016, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
- Kagan M.Yu., Electron Polaron Effect and inhomogeneous distributions of spin and charge in strongly correlated electron sistems, International Conference on Ultra Low Temperature Physics ULT 2017: Frontiers of Low Temperature Physics, 17-21 August 2017, The Germany
- Saenko V.S., Tyutnev A.P., Novikov L.S., Pozhidaev E.D., Krouk E.A., Present-Day Status of Spacecraft Charging Investigations in Russia, The 15th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, 25-29 June 2018, Kobe, Japan
- Vladimir Saenko, Andrey Tyutnev, Margarita Afanasyeva and Andrey Abrameshin, Spacecraft Inner Charging Simulation of the Electronics Devices Plastic Cases, The 15th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, 25-29 June 2018, Kobe, Japan
- Andrey Tyutnev, Vladimir Saenko, Alexey Zhadov and Evgenii Pozhidaev, Radiation-induced Conductivity in Kapton-like Polymers Featuring Conductivity Rising with Accumulating Dose, The 15th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, 25-29 June 2018, Kobe, Japan
- Dmitry Abrameshin, Evgenii Pozhidaev, Vladimir Saenko and Sergey Tumkovskiy, Computer Simulations and Experimental Investigation for Heterodyne Characteristics on PCB with the Increased Resistance to Electrostatic Discharges, The 15th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, 25-29 June 2018, Kobe, Japan
- Новиков С.В. Рекомбинация носителей заряда в аморфных органических полупроводниках: можно ли преодолеть ланжевеновский предел? XIV Российская конференция по физике полупроводников. РФ, Новосибирск, 2019.
- Новиков С.В. Рекомбинация носителей заряда в аморфных органических полупроводниках: эффекты пространственной корреляции энергетического ландшафта. РФ, Новосибирск, 2019.
- Новиков С.В. Charge carrier recombination in amorphous organic semiconductors. 6th International Fall School on Organic Electronics. РФ, Москва, 2020.
- Новиков С.В. Density of states in locally ordered amorphous organic semiconductors: emergence of the exponential tails. 7th International Fall School on Organic Electronics 13.09.2021 - 16.09.2021. РФ, Москва, 2021.
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