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Regular version of the site
Anomalous diffusion in polydisperse granular gases

Bodrova A., Осинский А.

Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2025. Vol. 111.

Book chapter
On Multidimensional Dirac–Hestenes Equation in Geometric Algebra

Rumiantseva S., Shirokov D.

In bk.: Advances in Computer Graphics: 41st Computer Graphics International Conference, CGI 2024, Geneva, Switzerland, July 1–5, 2024, Proceedings, Part III. Vol. 15340. Springer, 2025. P. 323-335.

Working paper
Mathematical and physical billiard in pyramids

Kochetkov Y.

arXiv.math. arXiv.org e-print archive. Cornell Univercity, 2024. No. 2412.15611.

Tag "Invitation to participate" – News

HSE’s Annual Student Research Paper Competition Now Open

HSE’s Annual Student Research Paper Competition Now Open
HSE’s annual student research paper competition has begun accepting applications for the 2019 cycle. The competition is open not only to students of HSE University but to students of any university, both in Russia and abroad. You can submit research papers in Russian or in English. The application deadline is October 15.

Nomination Process for Golden HSE Award Now Open

Nomination Process for Golden HSE Award Now Open
The Golden HSE is HSE’s main prize. HSE staff members nominate candidates, so the award provides the perfect opportunity to express our gratitude to colleagues and show appreciation for their work. The winners are also selected by HSE staff - the Jury and the Contest Committee. Here's what you need to do if you want your colleague or student to receive this award.

Research Paper Competition Winners Can Get a Headstart on Their Academic Careers

The application period for HSE’s Student Research Paper Competition has started. The winners will have an opportunity to take part in workshops on academic skills development, while those in state-financed studies will improve their chances of seeing their academic scholarships increased. Also, in addition in HSE students, learners from other academic institutions are eligible for this competition.

HSE Best Teachers Election Starts

HSE Best Teachers Election Starts
From May 29 to June 18 students can vote for HSE’s best teachers of the academic year. This year there is no need to come to the university to vote. Students can submit their scores online via LMS. 

HSE Competition to Support Student Initiatives Kicks Off

The Student Initiative Support Centre has announced that applications are now being accepted for the 2016 Autumn Student Project Competition.  There are no limits to project themes; they may involve an adaptation or media project, as well as cover sports, cultural or social topics. The main idea is that they are supposed to bring an improvement to HSE. Applications can be submitted by both individuals and groups, but projects must be led by an HSE student.

HSE Best Teachers Election Starts

From May 30 to June 19 students can vote for HSE’s best teachers of the academic year. This year there is no need to come to the university to vote. Students and alumni can submit their scores online via LMS.