Development of software for generation of combinational circuits
Combination circuits are used in a variety of devices: calculators, computers, and so on. Examples of typical combinational devices are encoders/decoders, multiplexers, and so on. Thus, they represent a large part of digital electronics and measuring their reliability is an important task.
There is a hypothesis that based on a large set of combinational circuits, it is possible to train a neural network that could estimate their reliability coefficient.
However, for this it is necessary to prepare a large set of test combinational circuits of various kinds.
A project within the framework of scientific research carried out in collaboration with IPPM RAS.
Goal of the project:
The goal of the project is to develop software for generating combinational circuits based on an input data set and the type of generation algorithm.
Scope: the use of the results of the project, both software and the generated dataset, can be used in the framework of scientific research, as well as for the development of systems for the initial assessment of the reliability of combinational circuits using machine learning methods.
Project objectives:
- analysis of methods for generating combinational circuits;
- analysis of input data for circuit generation;
- analysis of the main parameters of each combinational circuit;
- development of software for automated generation of combinational circuits and their parameters.
Planned results:
Design: Software that accepts as input a data set and the type of generation algorithm, on the basis of which the combinational circuits are generated.
Educational: Development of knowledge, skills and abilities related to the use of professional tools. Development of the ability to perform experimental studies of objects of professional activity according to specified methods and processing of research results, using modern information technologies and technical means. Development of the ability to work in a team, including the acceptance of team roles and responsibility for the results of collective work. Development of the ability to assess the need for resources and plan their use in solving problems in professional activities.

Ershov Ilya Sergeevich, Intern;
Zunin Vladimir Viktorovich, Project Leader, Programmer;
Porsina Alexandra Alekseevna, Intern.
Senior Lecturer
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