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22.11.2024 состоялся семинар НУГ с приглашенным докладчиком из МИСИС

Приглашенный докладчик аспирант Аргунов Ефим представил доклад: Thermoelectric properties of materials based on metal chalcogenides

Аннотация доклада:

Green energy harvesting involves extracting electrical energy from surrounding sources without connecting to the grid or using batteries. The second half of the 20th century saw significant advances in thermoelectric materials, which facilitated the development of thermoelectric generators and heat pumps. However, further improvements in the figure of merit (zT) above 2 are difficult due to the inverse dependence of the Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity on the charge carrier concentration. Alternatively, the efficiency of thermoelectric generators can be improved by using spin degrees of freedom and selecting specific materials in which this contribution can be observed.

Argunov_2024 (PPTX, 15.61 Мб)