Abstract Submission
Participants invited to apply for the presentation (20 min contributed oral presentation or/and poster presentation). Program Committee will choose presentations for the oral talks. Organizers have possibility to choose a limited number of contributed talks as invited talks.
Deadline for abstract submission and request for the contributed oral talk is 03 August 2016.
15 August 2016 - Contribution acceptance of oral presentations notification.
Deadline for abstract submission of poster presentation is 30 August 2016.
Abstract (just 1 page of 11pt font Times New Roman as PDF file) should include:
- Title of presentation in Bold font;
- Name of author(s);
- Author(s) affiliation(s);
- Abstract body.
Each registered participant is eligible to give one and only one presentation at the Conference. Each registered co-author is eligible to give presentation as well.
Please, notice that abstract submission and registration at the easychair.org web site is not equivalent with the registration for the participation at conference SSSE2016. For registration at SSSE2016, please, consult corresponding page at the web site of SSSE2016 conference.
Submit Abstract
(Click on the above line and you will be redirected to easychair.org web site for abstract submission)