Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
The following paper categories are welcome:
- Full papers describing
Submissions should:
- contain original contributions that have not been published or submitted to other conferences/journals in parallel
with this conference;
- clearly state the problem being addressed, the goal of the work, the results achieved, and the relation to other works;
- be in PS or PDF and formatted according to Springer LNCS Instructions for Authors;
- be in English and in a form that can be immediately included in the proceedings without major revision;
- be attached (if necessary) by an appendix that contains proofs etc. However, the paper must be self-contained
without the appendix in that reviewers may not read the appendix;
Abstaract describing should not exceed 4000 characters
(A4, half interval, font 14 TimesNewRoman, 22-24 rows in the sheet).
Submission of papers is carried out through the EasyChair system at the following link:
All participants need to register via this link as the author.